
Sunday, March 31, 2013

COMMON CORE: Which is Worse, the Feds Having Control Over a Person's Health or a Person's Mind?

Forty Six US states have adopted the Common Core State Standards, standards written by NGO's and approved, not by legislatures but rather political unions like the National Governors Association. Four years ago these standards were approved and put in motion outside the political discourse and parents are just beginning to hear the word Common Core!

With CCSS we have the most significant change in US education EVER and no significant national media coverage anywhere until just the last few months ago. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? How can a set of national standards, national tests, and national curriculum models that are binding on the states be transforming classrooms coast to coast before parents even know about it?

Even in the handful of states who haven't officially signed the pact with the federal government are making changes in the classroom to get in line with CCSS. For example, in Nebraska, Omaha Public Schools has been re-working curriculum and teaching models for at least a year to get ready for Common Core! All this before their state board of education has signed off on the standards.

It is disgusting to me that something so transformational can be in the works without any information going out to the public about it!! But then that's what the CCSS agenda is all about it has moved forward with no consultation of parents or the public, it's by-stepped legislatures by going straight to state boards, and it has moved into place with astonishing stealth to avoid public push back.

In the months of research I did trying to find the strings on the Nebraska truancy law the NFF fought hard to roll back in 2011/2012, I never stumbled into the CCSS. I saw all the strings, I traced the agenda to the 2009 stimulus dollars incentivizing states to build the SLDS (state student longitudinal data systems) as part of RTT but no mention of how these grants were being used to incentivize the CCSS agenda.

I sometimes wonder if this "quiet revolution", as Arne Duncan called it, is quiet because the NGA agreed to keep it quiet. After all the NGA had all the governors in line on the CCSS in 2009 when they met to "sign off" on the idea that was constructed by Gates Foundation and their partners.

I have never thought of myself as a conspiracy theorist but when Bush passed NCLB it was huge news, it was national legislation with congressional oversight. This is very different! My research of RTT in 2010/2011 made me very suspicious. I could tell Obama was planning something but I had no idea the plan was already set, the gates foundation and their partners had already spent 100's of millions, the NGA had already signed off on it, all before the "truancy" troubles in Nebraska began.

For all the national media attention, public outrage, and congressional pushback on Obamacare, essentially a federal takeover of the healthcare industry, there was a real takeover in the planning at the same time. A takeover of far more consequence! CCSS has been a clandestine un-democratic takeover of education coast to coast. This cannot be just a coincidence! This is a conspiracy to keep it from the people.

Which is worse the Feds having control over a persons health or a persons mind? Now we have both!

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